
Understanding Right View: A Series of Blogs Exploring the Path to Jhānas and Stages of Enlightenment

The Right View, as the initial step on the Eightfold Path, establishes a foundation for spiritual growth and enlightenment, encompassing a righteous perspective grounded in moral principles and ethical values. Within this insightful blog mini-series, we have embarked on a transformative journey, delving deep into the essence of Right View. With every step, we have…

Kamma (Karma) As Explained by Dependent Origination

In our pursuit of understanding suffering and discontent, we encounter the profound teachings of Dependent Origination. Dependent Origination is a teaching that transcends any particular individual or tradition. It offers a profound insight into the nature of reality itself. This understanding allows us to grasp the causes and conditions that give rise to the whole…

New and Old Karma: The Body is Old Karma

In this lesson, we draw inspiration from two discourses in the Pāli Canon, SN 35.146 & SN 12.37, where the Buddha discusses New and Old Kamma and how the body is a manifestation of Old Kamma. Old karma, the culmination of our past actions and choices, spanning across lifetimes, intricately molds our present body and…

Cultivating a Righteous View: An Introduction to The Four Noble Truths

As practitioners on the Path To Enlightenment, we begin by contemplating the three universal truths of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self. Once we understand these fundamental aspects of existence, we can turn our attention to the Four Noble Truths, which provide us with a clear and concise understanding of the nature of suffering and how to…

Beyond Delusion: Unveiling the Three Universal Truths

The first of the Three Universal Truths is “Anicca,” a term that can be translated to “impermanence” in English. As per the Pali Canon, everything in the world apart from Enlightenment and the Natural Laws of Existence undergoes constant changes, and nothing remains static. This includes our thoughts, feelings, physical experiences, circumstances and situations. In…

Belt Ranks and Stages of Enlightenment: An Exploration of Two Different Progression Systems

“The journey towards enlightenment and the path towards mastery in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu share many similarities. Both require discipline, dedication, and a willingness to overcome obstacles and challenges along the way. In both cases, progress is measured in stages or ranks, each representing a higher level of understanding and skill. The first stage of enlightenment…


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